Lucky 13

Do you remember the feeling you got when your five year old scored his/her first goal? Makes your chest grow bigger with all the pride and joy? Isn’t it?!
I got the same feeling today (13Jun2012) evening when 500 people were clapping their hands at the end of a presentation. 
The presentation was about an iPhone/iPad app called DEHS, the venue was the board meeting of Downingtown School District Board meeting, the app was DEHS App for the school, and  the developer and presenter is my son:-) 
I know, I know, I am getting away from my usual subject of writing about agile world. But, this evening I can not resist but enjoy this pride and joy, and write about it. 

I was pleasantly surprised about:
  • his focus and confidence
  • his quick thinking on his feet (we, myself, him, and his school principal did not think that there will be so much turn out)
  • his calm, collected speech in front of 500 people (check out the video here)
  • how relaxed he was even when unexpectedly he was in front of so many people 

“Dhawal, Great job! You did fantastic job! 
Lot of kids come to me with suggestion, start on something, and never finish it. On the contrary, you started this app development and stuck with it. Even when I could not give you enough time and directions (due to other commitments at school) you continued to plow through it. It shows your dedication and sincerity. Good job!”
Said his principal at the end of the presentation (these are not exact words, but my best attempt to recollect what he said)
Dhawal, you made my day! I am so proud of you 🙂

Download his DEHS (and his other apps) here, follow him on twitter @AreteSolutions, send him email with words of encouragement, and promote him. 
Thank you Principal Hurly for all your encouragement and support!