Agile Data Warehouse series: Intro

I have been involved in agile transformation at a Fortune 100 company, specifically in their EDS division. EDS being a central steward of all the data warehouse the company uses, it has been a challenge to rollout agile in this centralized group. In a series of articles, I will talk about my experience of agile rollout in EDS and data warehouse build out, the challenges we faced, and the ‘model’ that could be used. My hope is this series of articles will help you get a ‘head start’ when you have to work in such a situation.

This series of artless will include:

  • What it is – what do I mean by agile data warehouse?
  • Challenges agile teams face in an enterprise
  • Patterns for writing User Stories: Different ways of Slicing the work
  • Agile model that helps us develop and deliver data warehouse incrementally, delivering value earlier, and driving RoI for our customers; internal and external.

There is no organization that can live (and prosper) without data warehouse. Every organization is using data warehouse (on a smaller scale, perhaps) to house relevant data and use it to their advantages.

Look forward to ‘seeing’ you all here in this series.

[Next post: What it is? – the agile data warehouse]